- phade offers an eco-friendly stirrer that answers today’s safety needs, without the high cost. phade stirrer are marine biodegradable as well as home & industrial compostable. phade is the smart choice for today and tomorrow.
- phade stirrers are made in the USA with PHA, a new sustainable biopolymer derived from canola oil. They are the first of their kind in the U.S. and answer the call for a product that performs like a stirrer should with greater environmental benefits.
- phade stirrers perform like traditional plastic stirrers and are far more durable than paper stirrers.
- Sizing: The Stirrer is 5 inches long and has a 0.115-inch outer diameter. Available in a pack of 1000 stirrers, or a bulk case of 6, 1000-count cartons (6000 stirrers total). The stirrer is perfect for cocktails and small drinks.
- Orders placed in California, Washington and Maryland will receive phade products packaged as home and industrial compostable in compliance with applicable laws in those states; information provided about this item does not constitute an offer to sell product labelled or packaged as marine biodegradable in California, Washington or Maryland.
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