- ✔ Premium quality Hierba del Sapo herb direct from Mexico. Because you deserve the very best! / Hierba del Sapo directo de Mexico de la mejor calidad posible.
- ✔ Natural support for a healthy diuretic in each capsule. Drink with lots of water for best effect! / Diuretico natural en cada capsula. Tome con mucha agua!
- ✔ Amazing detox properties. This is why grandma enjoyed taking it everyday! / Soporte natural para desintoxicar sin el sabor amargo!
- ✔ Nearly 2 grams of Premium Hierba del Sapo (Mexican Thistle) brewable herbal tea in each bag and nothing else! / Cada porcion contiene casi 2 gramos de hierba del sapo te!
- ✔ Manufactured in the USA by Betel Natural, a maker of premium quality supplements! / Hecho en los Estados Unidos con ingredientes de primera calidad!